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Saturday, February 20, 2010

This thing scares me..

The Particle Accelerator 

Cern’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has begun to look like the world’s most ill-fated experiment.
Is it really nothing more than bad luck or is there something weirder at work? Such speculation generally belongs to the lunatic fringe, but serious scientists have begun to suggest that the frequency of Cern’s accidents and problems is far more than a coincidence
The LHC, they suggest, may be sabotaging itself from the future — twisting time to generate a series of scientific setbacks that will prevent the machine fulfilling its destiny.
t first sight, this theory fits comfortably into the crackpot tradition linking the start-up of the LHC with terrible disasters. The best known is that the £3 billion particle accelerator might trigger a black hole capable of swallowing the Earth when it gets going. Scientists enjoy laughing at this one.
This time, however, their ridicule has been rather muted — because the time travel idea has come from two distinguished physicists who have backed it with rigorous mathematics.

This would be the time to hit the "OFF" switch..

Friday, February 12, 2010


So you might think a movie about this guy would suck...

But actually it's the best god damn movie I've seen in a long time..
And the dude they cast to play him is dead on..

So this movie is a true story about this dude who got locked up for petty theft in England, and once he was imprisoned, decided that his main objective in life is to beat the shit out of all the people that work at the prisons.. As a result he has now spent over 30 years in solitary confinement..  And now is known as Britain's most dangerous prisoner..
A must see!!
It was out in LA for a while in like one theatre, but it's now available on Netflix Etc..